Privacy has been a hot topic for anyone looking for a file sync & share solution. This year, both the European Union and the U.S Government introduced the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Program. A program that establishes a mechanism for American companies to comply with EU data protection requirements. This agreement’s goal is to facilitate data exchange between the EU and the U.S, increasing the accountability of these companies. However, there is still the underlying factor that these American companies only make a public commitment under American law.
European companies are wary of evasive surveillance policy, favoring instead Cloud solutions based in Europe. Naturally, American companies have been taking steps towards the European customer base. Last year, Microsoft announced it was opening cloud servers in Germany and Dropbox did the same this year. By moving closer to the European customer base, American cloud services hope to entice the undecided customer.
Surveillance is still a major concern
Even after all these efforts from governments and companies, privacy still remains a major concern. Since 9/11 the American government has been expanding its surveillance efforts, even during Obama’s administration. The Patriot Act and other laws such as the Stored Communications Act instated 1986, render American cloud services not 100% reliable. If you would like to read more about the many surveillance acts implemented in the U.S see this article from IT Law Group.
Those who use consumer grade solutions might easily forgive the grey area surrounding cloud privacy. However, companies and many other organizations working with confidential information on a daily basis, need a cloud service that corresponds to their demands. Many customers we have spoken with, have chosen vBoxxCloud, because we are a Dutch company, host vBoxxCloud on our own servers and offer a robust cloud platform which caters to the demands of many businesses out there. vBoxxCloud also gives you the opportunity to follow the entire activity within your organization.
vBoxxCloud and Data Privacy
The EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Program is a welcome step towards the European market, but those looking for a cloud solution, should not settle for ambiguous policies surrounding their cloud providers. There are solid alternatives in Europe. vBoxxCloud does not need to be part of a program. We guarantee your privacy under Dutch law and are not subject to any of the surveillance acts as many American companies do. If you would like to try vBoxxCloud click here or contact us if you want to learn more about it.