Google is analyzing the content of corporate documents

During Halloween, Google informed Google G Suite users the company had pushed an update flagging incorrectly a small percentage of Google Docs as abusive, blocking access to documents. While the issue has been fixed, Google’s latest suite update reminded us that many cloud providers access file data indiscriminately.

According to an InfoWorld article, users have been worried that Google was scanning documents for some time. G Suite Users also accept this content scanning, as it is included in Google G Suite’s Terms of Service. Even if this situation is clearly addressed in the terms of service, it raises questions about the confidentiality and security of your corporate documents when using the cloud. Reading your cloud provider conditions can be a good start when keeping your documents confidential. Most of us probably do not bother going through Terms & Conditions pages.

Does the provider have the right to scan your data?

When deciding which cloud provider will handle your data, make sure you go through the documentation available. When in doubt ask how they handle your corporate data in the cloud. Being proactive is the best approach before choosing your cloud provider.

There is no way of determining whether the cloud provider checks yours files. In the end, it comes down to how much you trust you provider.

How does vBoxxCloud handle your data?

We dedicate a page to security and privacy providing more information on how we handle your data. vBoxx does not share or analyze your data, your files are also stored in Dutch datacenters, which means that you benefit from favorable Dutch and EU laws that protect your privacy.

Most of the times breaches in data privacy happen internally, mishandling data could have severe consequence to your company. vBoxxCloud also provides security mechanisms that ensure that only the assigned people have access to specific folders.

If you would like to try vBoxxCloud, start a free trial and learn how it can keep your data safe.

Source: InfoWorld , BBC , vBoxxCloud , SOPHOS

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