Understanding Cloud Computing – Public Cloud

The last two blog posts, approached three main types of cloud services. Today, we talk about cloud models, that you have probably heard about, Public, Private and Hybrid cloud. What do they mean? What are the differences? Today, we help answer these questions.

What is the Public Cloud?

To many users, public cloud is probably the most recognizable, and for some time the most used in the market. In the Public Cloud, cloud services are provided in a virtual environment. This environment provides shared physical resources and is accessible over a public network, such as the internet. Essentially, multiple users use the public cloud on the same infrastructure.

It is mostly used by private individuals, who don’t need the infrastructure and security private clouds provide. However, more and more businesses are using pubic cloud. Security has improved, and the prices are significantly cheaper than private clouds. It’s no surprise that today we see more businesses taking advantage of the public cloud.

The benefits of public cloud:

Cost effective: Public clouds provide many resources at an accessible price. There is also the advantage of minimizing server maintenance, leaving the more technical aspects of the cloud to the providers.

Reliable: The number of servers and network effort involved in public clouds offer plenty of redundancy protection. Which means, that if one component fails, the service will still run without any problems. In some cases, cloud services, might even draw resources from different data centers, decreasing the chance of service failure.

Flexible: as we mentioned before there are many IaaS, PaaS and SaaS services on the market as part of the public cloud. These services can be accessed from any device with internet access. These services, also provide low computing requirements, making them an appealing solution for both private or enterprise customers.

Scalability: one of the biggest advantages of the public cloud is the vast amount of resources available, whenever there are fluctuations in activity, cloud applications respond seamlessly.

Public cloud is a popular cloud model. The rapid proliferation of consumer cloud services, allowed cloud services to reach the house of many. It became versatile enough, to accommodate more secure services, even if the resources are shared by many users.

However, cloud users are adopting other models, such as the Private Cloud. Next week, we will explain what Private means and why is it a viable solution for many users. Stay tuned for more about the different cloud models in the market.

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  1. Cloud computing has been embraced wholeheartedly in the IT Industry for its efficiency, reliability and cost-effectiveness.

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