Once in a while, it is good to evaluate and look back at how far you have come. Whether it is for your company or for yourself, the new year is a great moment to determine what you want to take with you to the new year – and what you would rather leave behind. With a positive outlook at 2019, we look back at 2018 one more time. It has been a great year for vBoxx: read more about it in the year highlights below.
GDPR compliant Cloud
The beginning of 2018 was all about the GDPR. The law went into effect on May 25th and vBoxx was certified by an external party well before that time to ensure that our customers do not have to worry about the privacy of their data.
The GDPR stresses that the personal data of EU citizens has to be stored within Europe. At vBoxxCloud, your data is securely stored in Dutch data centers and only you have access to your files. More information about how vBoxxCloud and the GDPR.
Best Cloud Service of 2018
We are the proud winner of the Benelux Enterprise Awards as Best Cloud Service of 2018! EU Business News annually grants the awards to companies with outstanding achievements in various business fields. Our hard work to make our cloud secure and reliable has payed off and we are, therefore, very proud of this achievement. Read more about the award and the interview with CEO Valentijn Koppenaal.

Reliable cloud with 99.99% Uptime
We understand how important it is to keep your business running. By working in the cloud you can access your files anywhere from any device. To make that possible, we ensure that the cloud works 24/7. For that we needed only 0.01% downtime to keep the cloud safe and up to date at all times. View the status page for the current status of vBoxxCloud.
105% dedicated personal support.
Every day of 2018 we do everything we can to offer you the best service. Our team consists of enthusiastic and dedicated support staff who would like to take the time to help you get the best out of vBoxxCloud. Read more about our personal support.
Not a member of vBoxxCloud yet? Start working in the cloud in 2019! Sign up for your free trial now.
We happily look back on a good 2018 and will be working on an even better 2019!
We wish you a happy, healthy and successful New Year!
Thank you for your trust.
– vBoxx Team –