Release Notes

vBoxxCloud New 3.6 Server update With new Thic & Thin client versions
vBoxxCloud Thick Client v3.5.10.184
vBoxxCloud web version + Sidebar v3.5.0 & App version 2.17 now live!
vBoxxCloud Thin Client v 3.5.0
vBoxxCloud version v3.0.0 now live!
vBoxxCloud iOS New Release: Face ID and Touch ID
vBoxxCloud iOS Version 4.7 Release
vBoxxCloud version v2.7.1
Synced Tool app Android 4.2
vBoxxCloud version v2.7.0
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.1
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Hotfix 4
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Hotfix 3
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Hotfix 2 release is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Build .1146 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.4 Build. 1070 now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.4 now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.3 now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.2 now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.5.1 now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.5.0 is nu live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.4.1 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.4 is now live with a many new features!
vBoxxCloud platform upgrades hardware!
vBoxxCloud version 2.2 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.1 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.0 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 1.7.4 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 1.7.3 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 1.7.2 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v1.7.0.395 is now live with new feature updates!
vBoxxCloud versie v1.6.4.345 is nu live!
vBoxxCloud v1.6.3.333 is now live and has some awesome new features!
vBoxxCloud v1.6.2.326 – Outlook Plug-in Release
vBoxxCloud version is now live and brings new features!

vBoxxCloud version v1.7.2.413 is now live and some great features are updated!

21 August 2015

Agent Activity Progress Bar

On the Agent's Preferences dialog window, the Activity tab now displays a progress bar. This progress bar will measure both the download and upload speed and progress of individual files. The Activity Log will no longer display events of files in progress; it will now only display files that have completed download.

Please note that the progress indicator for smaller files may appear and disappear quickly or not at all.

Known Limitation: The Activity Log is not currently tracking any files that are uploaded via the Agent. This functionality will be updated to include uploads in a future release.

Optional Welcome Emails

Administrators now have the ability to not send the default welcome email to newly-created accounts. An optional checkbox ‘Send Welcome Email?’ is present for regular accounts, AD imports, and CSV imports. For regular accounts, the checkbox is located above the WebDAV access option. For AD and CSV import, the checkbox selection will apply for all imported accounts.

The ‘Send Welcome Email?’ checkbox is enabled by default, and does not apply to the creation of Guest accounts.




  • Fixed issue where deleted folders would reappear due to the presence of hidden system and temp files. Now, these folders are scanned for these files when a delete event is initiated.
  • Fixed timing issue in sync that could potentially cause file collisions.



  • Fixed memory leak on Agent that would cause excessive memory and CPU consumption.
  • On OSX, after selecting the option ‘Hide Desktop Icon’ there was no way to undo this action. Now, if the setting has been enabled and the Agent is hidden, double-clicking the Agent in the Application folder will bring up the preferences dialog. If the setting is disabled, double-clicking the Agent will instead open the Sync Folder.



  • Optimized WebDAV connections to improve database performance.



  • Fixed issue where API calls for organizations in trial mode would fail.
  • Added new parameter "include_deleted" to the API GET request for metadata. When set to true, results will include deleted files and folders.



  • Fixed issue where organization admins would not be able to create users for their children organizations if the policy setting "Let org admins create users?" was disabled for their child orgs.
  • End users can still manage their pre-existing personal team shares even if the organization policy "Allow users to share files?" is subsequently disabled.



  • Accounts are formatted the same on the dashboard regardless of email character length.
  • When logging in as an organization administrator, the organization’s settings for Space Quota and Max File Size are now displayed in read-only mode in the Policies section.
  • Fixed issue where Dashboard widget ‘Space Usage by Extension’ was treating file extensions as case-sensitive.
  • Now displaying file count and total size data for Backups when viewing as a non-admin user.
  • In the Backups view, now properly displaying the name of the machine where the backup was created in the Owner column.
  • Fixed UI issue where checked boxes for user quota alerts would disappear after saving.
  • Switching organizations while the AD tree is open will now default to the org dashboard.
  • Added a Copy button to the Share dialog to allow the user to easy-copy the Public Share URL.
  • Improved the UI page for expired shares.
  • The organization drop-down field is now disabled when creating a new Team Share and when creating a new Guest user.
  • Improved UI of Dashboard widget ‘Top Storage Users’; now, only data for the following columns will be displayed:
    • User
    • Space Used
    • % Usage
    • # Files