Release Notes

vBoxxCloud New 3.6 Server update With new Thic & Thin client versions
vBoxxCloud Thick Client v3.5.10.184
vBoxxCloud web version + Sidebar v3.5.0 & App version 2.17 now live!
vBoxxCloud Thin Client v 3.5.0
vBoxxCloud version v3.0.0 now live!
vBoxxCloud iOS New Release: Face ID and Touch ID
vBoxxCloud iOS Version 4.7 Release
vBoxxCloud version v2.7.1
Synced Tool app Android 4.2
vBoxxCloud version v2.7.0
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.1
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Hotfix 4
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Hotfix 3
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Hotfix 2 release is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Build .1146 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.4 Build. 1070 now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.4 now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.3 now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.2 now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.5.1 now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.5.0 is nu live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.4.1 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.4 is now live with a many new features!
vBoxxCloud platform upgrades hardware!
vBoxxCloud version 2.2 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.1 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.0 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 1.7.4 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 1.7.3 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 1.7.2 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v1.7.0.395 is now live with new feature updates!
vBoxxCloud versie v1.6.4.345 is nu live!
vBoxxCloud v1.6.3.333 is now live and has some awesome new features!
vBoxxCloud v1.6.2.326 – Outlook Plug-in Release
vBoxxCloud version is now live and brings new features!

We are pleased to announce an updated Synced Tool app for iOS v4.7, the latest release includes important new features and improvements related to performance and user experience.   


  • Multiple options are available for opening files within an app. Each option supports different use cases. Now you can select an option when opening a specific file, and configure the default for a single tap on that file.

    Options to open a file within an app include: 

     Option Description Required roles
       Web Editor  Provides collaborative online editing      Co-Owner, Collaborator, Editor, Web Editor
       Web Preview  Allows a quick file preview   All roles except Uploader
       iOS Viewer  Presents a file in the native iOS viewer   Co-Owner, Collaborator, Editor
       Other  Displays all built-in viewing options   Co-Owner, Collaborator, Editor


    With a long tap on a file, you can access the Open with... menu: 

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    Default App settings and Team Share permission roles

    Single-tap options for opening files are configured in the Default App settings

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Each option for opening a file requires a different level of Team Share permissions.

When an administrator assigns a Team Share permission role to a user, that assigned role can limit the user's access to options for file opening.

The default setting is assigned per device. However, the device user may have subscriptions to multiple Team Shares with different permission roles. With that in mind, to provide the best user experience for the Default App setting, we've provided the following:

  • When a user with a Web Editor role selects iOS Viewer or Other as a default, the file will open with a single tap in the Web Editor with the following message:

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  • When a user with a Viewer role selects Web Editor as the default, the file will open with a single tap in Web Preview with the following message:

    vboxxcloud ios app upgrade - 4


  • We've improved responsiveness to unstable network connections.

  • Close button has been added to the native Files app login screen. Previously, when a user could not log in to their Synced Tool from the login screen, their login screen effectively blocked the Files app until the device was rebooted. This improvement adds a Close button to the login screen, so a user can unblock the Files app in this situation. For example, if a user is unable to log in because they have forgotten their password, they won't need to restart the device to restore access to the Files app or any other third party app. (This improvement applies to all third party apps which attempt to access a Synced Tool folder.)

  • Save to options from Microsoft Outlook are now available.

  • Passcode page now appears when the app is minimized or has been re-opened repeatedly.



  • Multiple duplicate download error messages triggered by a failed download attempt have been removed.
  • Upon restart, deleted items no longer reappear in Favorites.
  • Office 365 apps no longer freeze for Web-Editor, Viewer, Previewer or Uploader subscribers when opening a document within a Team Share.
  • Failures when moving items in Favorites or when uploading one file to multiple locations are resolved.
  • Duplicate files generated by interrupted camera uploads no longer occur.
  • Options to create folders or files in backup areas have been removed.