Release Notes

vBoxxCloud New 3.6 Server update With new Thic & Thin client versions
vBoxxCloud Thick Client v3.5.10.184
vBoxxCloud web version + Sidebar v3.5.0 & App version 2.17 now live!
vBoxxCloud Thin Client v 3.5.0
vBoxxCloud version v3.0.0 now live!
vBoxxCloud iOS New Release: Face ID and Touch ID
vBoxxCloud iOS Version 4.7 Release
vBoxxCloud version v2.7.1
Synced Tool app Android 4.2
vBoxxCloud version v2.7.0
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.1
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Hotfix 4
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Hotfix 3
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Hotfix 2 release is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 Build .1146 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.6.0 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.4 Build. 1070 now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.4 now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.3 now live!
vBoxxCloud version v2.5.2 now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.5.1 now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.5.0 is nu live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.4.1 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.4 is now live with a many new features!
vBoxxCloud platform upgrades hardware!
vBoxxCloud version 2.2 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.1 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 2.0 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 1.7.4 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 1.7.3 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version 1.7.2 is now live!
vBoxxCloud version v1.7.0.395 is now live with new feature updates!
vBoxxCloud versie v1.6.4.345 is nu live!
vBoxxCloud v1.6.3.333 is now live and has some awesome new features!
vBoxxCloud v1.6.2.326 – Outlook Plug-in Release
vBoxxCloud version is now live and brings new features!

We are pleased to announce an updated Synced Tool app for Android 4.2, the latest release includes important new features and improvements related to performance and user experience.   


  • Release 4.2 consolidates the colors and icons used in the UI, and should streamline how a user interacts with both iOS and Android apps.

                                                             UI Before:                                                                         UI After:

    synced tool android app UI

  • The separate button for Web Preview was removed since that button was rarely being used. Native editors often showed better performance than Web Preview - and, if a user has no permissions to view a file, the file now opens in Web Preview automatically anyway. The extra button was removed to streamline the look and feel.

  • The app now fully supports Team Share permissions. If a user attempts to perform a non-permitted action, they'll see a clear education message. For example, if a user does not have item sync permission, they will see the following insufficient permissions message (and will be unable to download a file): 

  • However, since a user can still view the file in Web Previewer, permissions are now checked and the user automatically falls back to Web Preview, as needed.


  • Error handling is improved when a user does not allow Synced Tool for Android to access files on the device.
  • The required two-step authentication organization policy is now enforced.